Digital Photo Resizer
Digital Photo Resizer quickly and accurately resizes a mass of photos at once. One of the problems with many photographic software packages is you cannot quickly resize many photos at the same time. This simple easy-to-use tool does it all for you in a couple of easy steps. The application creates slidecshows, screensavers, and Web sites, and photo image and text watermarking. It can FTP upload generated Web sites and images.
Standard but effective, Digital Photo Resizer is a solid choice for generating thumbnails. Your options are just what you'd expect: locate the files to resize, set the output size in percentage or in pixels, and select destination directories for the resized photos and thumbnails. You also can set the quality of final images up to 100 percent. Popular packaging options, such as screensavers and HTML output, are here as well. To boot, you even can perform basic edits, such as adding sepia tone and sharpening shots. The program's interface isn't exactly elegant, but then again, it's easy enough to comprehend with minimal effort. This program suits people looking for an easy tool for creating thumbnail galleries for a Web site.::..Download Click Hare To This Image..::
Added By AlOn3-_-aKs
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